January 05, 2005
Save the Children
Safe in her mother's arms...a little girl that survived the tsunami. Unfortunatly, many other children were not as fortunate. In India and Sri Lanka, often if the mother survived the family unit stayed together but if the mother died, the fathers, not having a home, livlihood to provide or parenting skills, will send his children to an orphanage... AP photo
As if the kids didnt have enough to worry about.
Now they have more than the usual number of predatory animals after them.
Thank God above
that this story may have turned out to have not been true... however, I wondered how long it would take the scum that traffic's in human flesh to realize that, in the words of a reporter that I dont know his name wrote
..."The exploiters of children for the sex and labor trade realize that in this disaster, the "fruit" has never been so close to the ground, so to speak..." Children, especially in Indonesia, which has the highest incidences of child exploitation in South Asia, are always at risk, even with parents, who often sell older children especially girls off to help support the rest of the family. Thank God the government seems to be working for the kid's best intrests, and many countries are slamming the door on immediate "adoption" of these orphans of the tsunami, whose parents might still be alive and looking for them. Governments are registering the lost ones and perhaps there will be some happy reunifications, and protection for those that are truly alone in this world.
We all know of this intelectually, but how many of us understand how much of this goes on under our noses? In our towns and cities? Not just kids but adults as well.
A bit of personal history, In circles that I traveled in before becoming a Christian,there was a lot of perverted stuff that went on behind the perverbial "closed doors" of friends of ours. Occasionally, there was talk of slavery. Asian women, girls mostly, and sometimes boys. Many of these people were deviates, and in the music and entertainment biz...There was hushed talk of how they "knew of someone who could get you anything you wanted..." ect People would go to Cambodia, Thailand for "tours"...Often the porn biz was involved. Our position was always disgust and even threatening that if we found out about it we'd turn the monsters in...then we'd get the heck away from them as though they had leperosy (which they did of the soul) if we were at parties and such... I have changed and that life is a lifetime away from me today, but the situation I think is even worse today than it was then.
Friends, this is a real holocaust, a huge problem. Yes, non custodial parents snatch kids, but a lot of kids/young people are taken by strangers too... There are signs that you can see if you know what to look for... and in cities like LA, NYC and here in Hawaii, there are those unfortunates living like this among us...If you dont believe this, think about how many people saw Eizabeth Smart with those wacko people that kidnapped her and did NOTHING... What happens to these victims is beyond human imagining and many times they live a short brutal life.
If anything postive has come out of 9-11 it is this. The stricter rules regarding documentation of a child's origins when trying to bring them into our country and now even infants must appere in order to get a passport. And here in Hawaii, once the crossroads of the child slave trade in the 80's and 90's, every child's documents are checked carefully at the airport, along with the rest of us by TSA.
A law was passed not too long ago that made it a crime to go to places like Thailand and Indonesia for these "sex tours", which were really pedophelia extravaganzas. Thank God people are waking up and starting to deal with this. The realitiy is more horrible than we can imagine.
I have been praying for the children, the remnants of a generation lost. May God have mercy on them and keep them safe, from water, diseses and humans out of control.
To those who read and say " oh, this only applies to "THEM", think about all of the young people from the good ol' USA that may be dead or missing.
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