January 17, 2004
Been a long couple of days and I think Id best post something to let you all know that we have not died or been swept away in the Kona Wind.
First the projected high surf did not materialized but the winds were pretty fierce in the northern islands with heavy damage on Kauai and Oahu. We had power outages here and there and that is why I have been slow to post as I do it from home. There was a big problem out at the Geo Thermal Generating station in Pohiki, where our subdivision gets most of its juice..Who said volcanoes weren't good for anything.
Woody has had a very bad week. First none of the jobs have materialized and he is going to have to get out there and break new ground to find long term work. Then Tuesday, he had to play "Leadfoot Larry" through the school zone on Kilauea Ave at Kawalani. Radar trap got him at 42 in a posted 25 zone....275 buckaroos. See the DancingRainGirl stuff a shriek and turn five shades of purple. Such waste.
Then yesterday, I had a meeting with my mentor, Kathy Hammes at the Small Business Development Network Center. All afternoon. When I get back at 5:30pm, Woody is sitting dejectedly in the store..."We were robbed..." What happened was a female came in after I left and it looks like she swiped a set of keys for the store. Cases and the doors... Didn't have the sense to call me, or the cops, or a locksmith. I flipped. He wants to be a part of things and a"partner" but has no clue as to what to do. If this were a real job he'd call the manager, right??? Hello, that's ME! Get it? It was 8:30pm before the locksmith gets there. 11PM before we get home. And while the bill was a very reasonable $115.00, I wish that I could have spent it on something else. We made the police report and Woody's description matched one for a gal that lifted a bunch of stuff at the Orchidland Surf Shop that afternoon. Busy Chick. Then the husband of said chick came into the store and denies the whole thing says that Woody is wrong and that he is a pastor or something. Perhaps Mr. Pastor doesn't know that his old lady is a klepto...Tell it to the judge.
We have had some steady business and things are going right along at the store. We did our inventory and had only one thing that we may have issue with, Shrinkage of one small item when over 3500 items have passed through your hands in our neighborhood is not bad at all. A dream for most stores.
I interviewed at a psychologist's office today, and was hired to do general office on a very part time flexible hours basis. I liked the lady and her receptionist is a client of ours. I wish that this job had come along sooner, but I'm glad of it. Woody...I don't know what he thinks. I interview once and get the job...Life is not fair.
I have another post that I started that I will finish soon. I am beat. I also have been struggling with a tooth ache that will require a root canal and crown. $1500.00 for that little bit of self preservation. I woke up with royal "ache face" and the beastly thing is right on the main nerve...Oh joy... I am very thankful that the dentist saw me even though I put on my intake form that I have no visible means of support. Technically both Woody and I are unemployed as I do not draw any salary from ASJ. Not enough money to do that yet. Many many doctors, dentist and other professionals no longer take indigent, Medicare, or Medi-Qwest( welfare) patients. That is good for another days blogging. They don't get paid enough to cover the services rendered. The Dr. That hired me today says that she is averaging .35 cents paid for every $1.00 billed. That is a crime. Little wonder that we cant keep Professional Medical people on this rock... You gotta live...Thank God Woody has VA Medical... I will get by some how.
Going to go have dinner and time for bed... Aloha Nui!