February 03, 2004
Monday Madness 02-02-04
1. I probably spend about _
3-5 hours_____ on the computer every day.
2. It always takes me __
45__ minutes to get ready in the morning.
3. I would rather go to the dentist than go to __
Dentist is the worst_______.
4. My favorite dessert is __
Ice Cream Something just give me chocolate anything______.
5. When I go to the store for one item, I always walk out with about _
6. If the statement, 'You are what you eat' was true, I would be a
coffee chocolate covered Mac Nut_______.
7. I set my thermostat to _____ in the summer and _____ in the winter.
no such thing in Hawaii
8. My favorite outdoor activity is __
walking or biking_______.
9. My favorite indoor activity is __
reading or writing (either the old fashioned way or on/with a computer)_______.
10. When I'm feeling down, I usually __
Write more_______.