February 09, 2004
Monday Madness 2-9-04
1. On Sunday afternoon, I like to just...
Lay around and catch up on my mail
2. I'm behind someone at a traffic light, the light turns green and they just sit there, I...
NEVER HONK (formerly from LA, where they shoot first ask questions later) wait paitently after all arent we all on aloha time??
3. My immediate reaction to someone making a nasty remark to me is...
stand there with my mouth open... hopefully I wont put my foot into it by retorting with my own nasty remark. Getting better at ignoring such trash
4. If I had to live in a state/country where it was cold most of the year, I would...
I suppose that the word HAD is the operative... ummm I would not "have" to do anything...I would move. The Dakotas are my idea of weather hell... two winters, a green one and a white one...
5. When the weather outside is hot and humid, I prefer to...
bask in it....rains 355 days a year here, average temperature 80f, average humidity 75%...
6. My favorite 'comfy' clothes to wear around the house is... a mu'u mu'u...
7. If given a deadline at work/school to finish a project, I usually...
make it... These days I only have dead lines of my own choosing....
8. If someone gave me a pet for my birthday, I would...
Depends on what the creature is. Fish...thank you...bird... Mak and Nani thank you for the exotic snack...an always tiny fluffy puppy, (want a maltese, chin, peke-a-poo, or yorkie...birthday is march 6) thank you...maybe....a kitten, I would love it but Mak and Nani would find that highly irritating. Come to think of it, the puppy will drive them crazy too...
9. As far as watching the clock on weekends, I...
watch the sun that is clock enough
10. I usually wash my car about every...
hardly ever... not needed