September 05, 2004
Thoughts like a River
Green River- Wailuku Stream
I think a lot. Maybe more than some. Woody says that I "think " more than any person that he has ever met. Thats why he cannot understand why I "cannot" control my temper or figure out how to cope. In truth, what he cannot grasp is that our God is His wonderful sense of humor has chosen to punish this man that "abandoned the wife of his youth," (or at least his first wife, he married her at 34 so he was no wet behind the ears stripling,) at a time when she really needed him, in a early and lamented menopause, when she was totally unable to cope. God is allowing Woody to experience this full throttle again when I throw a hissy fit like the one I did today when I found cat food strewn over four square meters of the lanai. The buggers played in their wet food and the place stinks like fish uggh! Screamed my head off and you know it felt good.
Its been a frustrating week or two.
Well, Im letting go of it and thats good...
I do think a lot. I am in the words of one therapist "way too cognitive, when do the feelings come out?..." At the time I didnt think it was safe to express myself like I do, the rejection had been way too deep and long. Its a testiment to Woody, and to maturity not to mention hormones (cause I dont give a rip anymore about what people think)that I feel safe enough to scream and throw things (soft things, not living things, kitties are safe)May God help me to find the balance!
Im writing this post to let you all know that I am going to be taking a brief (really brief, Im still here) break from the daily grind to make a special presentation on My Wide Blue Seas. For the last several months I have been working on a, well, I dont know what you would call it. A body of work, Meditations, perhaps... any way I am pleased and somewhat relieved to be doing this. You all know that there are times when a project sort of "grabs" you and you cant rest till you do it. This was one for me. I have been haunted by this idea and the blog seems to be a good place to try out my writing. I hope to expound further on the subjects presented at a later time and a friend that read one of the essays said that I should publish them. This is my way of doing that.
In Honor of Patriot's Day, September 11 I want to present
My Wide Blue Seas- Lux Aeterna" a Memoriam Blog beginning tomorrow Sept 5. You will be
directed to the new site where the work will be posted daily for 7 days.I will resume my writing on Hawaii and everything else Sept 12, after my Carpal has had a rest. I will be checking the email at
Have a wonderful holiday weekend and week, I will be keeping an eye on your blogs. Aloha e Akua Aloha Nui Loa (God Bless you with His great love!)