June 16, 2005
The Discovery of Treasure....
Twilight Surf Richardson Beach park Keaukaha Big Island
The Discovery of Treasure...
Outside my door...
I see the lights
flashing in the twilight
of a warm summers evening
Fireflies dance
against the forest dark
in endless rhythm
Wings entwine, a treasure
of natural wonder
Inside the eye of my mind...
I see the light
fluorescing in the twilight
of warm tropical evening
Waves dance
against dark volcanic shores
in endless rhythm
Elements entwine, a treasure
of Hawaiian wonder
Inside my computer....
I see the light
of intellects writing
expressing their minds
Opinions focus
against opposing views
in endless diversity
self expression advances,
a treasure
of the electronic age
I noticed that my counter is approaching 20,000 hits, and on this occasion I want to thank all of you that read My Wide Blue Seas. I consider this an amazing thing, that people care enough about what I create to make me a daily read. I am awed and blessed by your comments, emails and encouragement. This medium has given me a venue to communicate parts of my life that have see little of the light of day. It has helped me to get in touch with my truer self, and given me a platform for self expression unrivaled... It has also taught me that we are journalists and I need to be careful and research my work, and be prepared to stand behind what I write both here and as I comment on other blogs. You bless me my readers, knowing you are out there keeps me writing...Which I think is keeping me sane...
Comment in the box or email me at mywideblueseas@gmail.com