February 07, 2006
Rising From Ruin
This post from the blog
Rising From Ruin tells a tale that Woody and I are following, the rebuilding of the community of Waveland MS. We became familiar with the town in the aftermath of Hurricane Katrina through our church and its asssociation with the historic
Gulfside Assembly From the United Methodist Church district offices I received
this short history of the facility. It is thought that the grounds of Gulfside were "Ground Zero" for the landfall of the hurricane. The historic as well as brand new structures were scoured away by wind and water... even the paved roads were ripped away...
Gulfside, along with the rest of the community is rebuilding. It is the intention of our church to send a group of people to assist those that are working on various projects by running the kitchens and a few of the stonger men (the average age of the parishioners of our church is 76) may do some hammer swinging but there are a lot of light tasks to do as well.
But I digress. We are hungry for news of the area. Woody and I drove throught the ruins in November and the images of devestation will be ethched in my memory forever...So when I saw
this article on MSN I had to repost it for my readers that are also a part of Project Gulfside.
This was Jeff Watts' home before Katrina
This was what was left after the storm...
A Beacon of Hope in Waveland a post by Mike Brunker
For the Residents of the bombed out southern half of Waveland, the rapidly rising home of Rose and Jeff Watts is a beacon of hope and a promise of better times ahead.read the rest of the post here