February 20, 2006
Waiting For a Warmer Day
Brilliant Day Beaver Lake Arkansas...We are daydreaming about this just now
Its been really cold (single digits at times) the past three days and I am learning why people from the north want to leave and move to California Florida and Hawaii. Ice is a killer. The 8 inches of snow is lovely as long as you don't have to go out in it. My drive this morning was treacherous on unplowed roads slick with black ice from the slight warming and the sleet on top of it. But my faithful van chugged along and I got to work safely.
Skeleton crew here at work. There are a lot of folks that have very steep drives or are out on the back of beyond, not to mention that the schools are closed for the holiday today. Nearly all of the parents are home. The ice is overwelming.
But I put all of this stay at home time to good use. I took all ten of the written tests and passed and last night took four simulated calls for HSN...didnt do so hot on those I think... maybe it was the slow simulation, made me think that I wasnt doing it right... I started to hyperventalate, but the agent training me said that I did very well and he only wanted me to work on one area, canceling orders, and retest tomorrow night. Nothing was said about not getting the job, so I think we are cool and I am in the door. I wont count on it until I get my first call and say "my name is Hoku, may I have your item number?" Then I will know that I am official.
The agent said that people actually give up at the final simulation. I cant imagine that. Studying, passing all 10 of the training modules only to give up in the home streach. Woody and I cant imagine that. You practically have it, then give up... not this girl no way, like I told the agent I want this really badly and will do anything I can to get this job.
Nothing more was said at work about any changes. There is still little to do even with so few people here. Scary it is...
The cats find all of this cold a bit difficult. They sleep up on chairs and on our bed. We let them go out onto the screened porch last night and they ran out delighted with the fresh air and good smells to smell, but what is this white stuff piled up on the ground. Makoa saw his catnip mousie half burried in snow and pounced on it only to find himself ankle deep in white powder. Bewildered he shook himself, showering us with ice crystals. He gleamed as though sprinked with diamonds in the afternoon sun as he sat in the cold uncomprehending... puzzled... I said "wha da matta bruddah? Too da kine cold yah?" My hawaiian jungle kitty jumped up out of the snow pile and made a bee line for the door back into the warm house where Ka Nani had already gone...Yah too cold for us Kama aina, Mebbe we wait fo'dah warma kine day, yah?
that day is comming all too soon