March 28, 2006
The Longing for Green Grass
Peaceful Pastures
Oh God , You are my God
and early I will seek You
My soul thirsts for You
in a dry and weary land
where there is no water.
Because Your love is better than life
My lips will glorify You
And I will praise You
As long as I live
Praise song based on Pslam 63
In this part of the world not so many years ago I hear there was a song about "Green Grass Time"... Spring. The cows and other livestock were better able to graze and the pasture ponds and streams filled with spring rain runoff. That longing is within me. I long for a change, for the bareness of winter to pass and the new leaves of spring to appear.
My vision is doing ok, but is still mostly not clear. I am getting used to the fuzziness which is not good yet I know that the healing is going to take time.
And I have a lot of that on my hands. I have nothing to do at my job and have so little supervision. I can pretty much do what I want. Today it was file our income taxes both state and federal for 2005 before lunch. I am relieved to have that done. I found out last night that Woody has made exactly zero moves towards finding us an accountant and I wasnt going to go another year out of order with they IRS... They frown on this so if I filed something, it was better than an extension or no return... Hey I am getting 313 dollars back what more can you want? Once I have time I will file an ammended return with all of the missing numbers...
I feel like its damage control all of the time with Woody... He doesnt understand, I can see it in his face. He just isnt coping very well.
"Faith is the soul's adventure" I carry this though the deep valley, it was a year ago that my home in Hawaii was being packed up, and we were preparing to venture forth into the unknown. As I looked at the tiny amounts that we earned and how God sustaied and provided every step of the way. I miss Hawaii every moment of everyday but know that this place is where He wants me to be... The door is open wide to the future.
But I am antsy and long for the spring... like the cows and the sheep here on the edge of the Ozarks who have been eating dry rations and hay for 5 months. Its time for a bit of freshness in this dry and weary land