June 12, 2006
Life's Ten Simple Pleasures- A Meme
Cloud Strewn Sky over Northwest Arkansas
I took a tag from Miri at Yiddishe-Kop 2.0 for the
Life's 10 Simple PleasuresThe mission: Come up with ten of life's simple pleasures I appreciate the most and then tag ten more people to do the same. The only drawback is that I can't list things someone else already has. Like she said, doing this is hard as we have so much in common or so it seems
A cloud strewn sky. As a child growing up near Los Angeles I remember the endless days of blank sky, and how facinating I found the Tropical cloud massings that are a daily part of the sky scape of Hawaii. I dreaded moving back to "blank sky country" but I have even more interesting clouds here in Arkansas...which brings me to pleasure number two
weather Thunderstorms, rain, wind I enjoy it all
Singing a song I miss leading worship very much but I have also been critical of our new church for being spectators rather than participants as singers. I sing all of the time The cats like it so much they will come to listen .
A hand written letter to or from a friend In this day of "rapid communication" which really is not, having a letter in hand opening it is like a gift or a treasure box waiting to be examined
Sitting still in silence A church, a room, there is something about it that moves me deeply, I can touch God and Life...
A rose from my own bush there is nothing like nurishing to fruition a beautiful thing
petting and loving my cats and them loving me back...priceless
Walking along a deserted beach My motion and God's motion...and time to be able to be in tune with that.
A great book, or peice of music that stirs the soul
The Morning's first cup of coffee yah, buddy!
Im not sure that ten people read this blog any more but I will add one more pleasure. The pleasure I feel when friends find a new joy in life...and with that I will introduce you to our neighbors Gene and Ginger and their blog
Kijabe and BackBlogging is a passion that I cant count as simple, but introducing it to another is a joy and helping others find this medium of expression. Ginger set up this blog herself I only gave a bit of encouragement. Their mission to Africa is a dream of mine, let us join them in their journey and that will be a pleasure also...