May 20, 2008
Howzit Going?
Beautiful Hibiscus Blooming in Louisville KY
Im pumping gas at a local station. The speakers are blasting the Beach Boys on a Oldies Station. The sun is warm and the breeze is cool on my face... I think..."I could be in Santa Monica, Huntington Beach, or even Hilo, or Lahaina, as I see the pot of hibiscus blooming nearby.
I go for a drive, winding my way down the main drag into Downtown. I pass the University, and the brick three story walk ups that house the Greek communities and a few blocks over a vibrant boutique shopping area...Am I in Orange or Westwood...?
Once in Downtown I went up and down the one way streets. New museums and condo developments line the streets. Pedestrians are free to walk in traffic free zones and just in the line of view, a sparkling waterfront with small craft (100 feet or less) marina. A street fair is going in the Riverfront Park... but for the lack of surf I would have thought that I was on Coronado Bay driving through the Gaslamp corridor and in and around San Deigo, the city I think that most resembles this amazing gem of a city.
Yes I have fallen in love with Louisville. I am lovng the Metro and the surrounding counties. Last weekend I took a drive...(gas was only 3.79 so why not?)around the city while Annabelle was getting her hair done and marveled at the many different districts each with its own flavor, architecture and atmosphere. LA has pretty much lost this and where we are living now the city is too new... it all looks the same. In fact, whre we live in Bella Vista resembles the subdivision that I am living in now.
Things are going better for us here. School is going well and I am finally beginning to do some projects that will actually amount to something. Just like learning to play the piano, where there is the dreaded exercise book with drills and scales to practice... that part is hard and I have a critical taskmaster. BUT I have to say that he will tell me when I get it right and now that is more and more common.
I have had one huge issue here. For weeks now the neighbors have called me concerned that Woody wasnt seen, like he was hiding out in the house. He sounded depressed or something. When a neighbor called and said it has been two weeks since the trash went out and no lights have been seen in the house that I checked with the Cat Hotel people. Sure enough Mak and Nani have been in boarding since Mother's Day and my husband has been AWOL for two weeks.
He returned but never gave it up on where he was or who he was with. I had to practically wrench it out of him. He said that this is my faault as he wanted to go and didnt want any crap about it. I told him he was selfish and a liar. Every night we talk which he says justified his not telling me that he was calling from someplace in California yes he drove to California from Arkansas and told no one what his plans were. How stupid is that? What if he had health issues or an accident... And his causual lies... I told him that I felt he was cheating... only a cheat would lie like this. He hotly denied it but I said that he opened himself up for this by not being upfront. By not talking to me about things like this, he rips down the progress that I thought that we were making and makes me to look like a fool in front of everyone I have talked to, to try to get ideas to "help him". I am so mad but what can I do. It seems like he can do what ever he wants and I cant do anything about it. And please dont email me about divorcing him. That will only make my life worse. Married to a sociopath in a state where the divorce laws are years behind the times... Since we are all the other has somehow he needs to understand that he isnt a world unto himself. I will be picking out his nursing home one day so he'd better shape up.
Then there is Annabelle, who is thriving and will be a year old soon. I have us signed up to take some training classes on Sunday afternoons. Very exciting. She will love it. She is already such a good doggy that she really only needs help with leash manners, as she drags me up and down the block. She is open and friendly with everyone and a real love. Plus she has a really groovy hair do...
Annabelle at 11 months
Labels: Annabelle, Conner School, Kentucky, Louisville, Marriage, Woody